
Available Through Prescription Only

The TeslaMax is available only with a prescription through select healthcare providers who are partnered with Rehaba, the maker of the TeslaMax. Your clinician has determined that Rehaba's Take-Home Program for peripheral neuropathy offers the best chance at reducing or eliminating your neuropathy symptoms. And Rehaba is committed to empowering them to implement and manage a plan of care designed to get results. By itself, the Tesla-Based Technology in the TeslaMax can dramatically improve your body's ability to repair nerve damage. In addition, your medical provider may also prescribe lifestyle changes, dietary improvements, and nutraceutical supplementation to support your body's response to TeslaMax treatments.

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Neuropathy is weakness, shooting pain, tingling, numbness, and sensitivity that occurs as a re¬sult of nerve damage. Peripheral means "on the outside," and peripheral neuropathy refers to neuropathy that affects the nerves carrying in-formation from the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) out to the rest of the body. Pe-ripheral neuropathy often begins in the feet and hands, and moves inward as it progresses.

Is TeslaMax Technology Your Answer for Peripheral Neuropathy?

The TeslaMax is an electrical stimulation device that is unlike any other technology currently on the market. It uses a proprietary form of alternat¬ing current (AC) to stimulate deep, painless muscle contractions in neuropathy-affected areas such as the feet and legs. These powerful muscle contrac¬tions dramatically increase local circulation and move out fluid build-up—both of which greatly accelerate the body's natural ability to repair the nerve damage that causes neuropathy.

Most muscle stimulators (including TENS devices) use direct current (DC), which can painfully sting and even burn the skin while creating only weak muscle contractions, The TeslaMax, on the other hand, uses Tesla-Based Technology to penetrate even the deepest muscle fibers for an experience that is unlike anything patients have tried before. It is hard to understand just how profound the dif-ference is between the TeslaMax and other muscle stimulators until you try it for yourself.

What Happens During a Teslamax Treatment Session?

  • At the start of each TeslaMax treatment ses-sion, the patient will place electrodes on their feet and legs, according to physician instruc-tions. The most common electrode placement is on the bottom of the feet and on the muscle of the outer shin, as shown in the image above.
  • During treatment, electrical currents will trav¬el back and forth between the two electrodes, causing the muscles of the feet and lower legs to contract and relax in intervals.
  • Painless muscle contractions push blood into tissues and move fluid build-up out. This in-creases blood flow and reduces swelling.
  • Treatments are performed once or twice daily, and usually last 30 to 45 minutes.

The TeslaMax Take-Home Program

With our TeslaMax Take-Home Program, you can give yourself daily TeslaMax treatments in the privacy and comfort of your own home, at times that are convenient for you. Because you can treat yourself as often as is needed, you will be able to see results faster and have better success with the treatment program.

How Do Neuropathy Patients Benefit from Tesla-Based Technology?

  • Improved Local Circulation
  • Improved Lymphatic Drainage
  • Nerve Stimulation

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